

United as


Asian Law Students’ Association Local
Chapter Universitas Airlangga

Board of 2023/2024


ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Airlangga is one of 5 founders of Asian Law Students’ Association in Indonesia. Formed on May 18th 1993, ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Airlangga located in Surabaya, East Java. Now ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Airlangga has reach it’s 30th anniversary.

On this year ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Airlangga has changed it’s Board of Directors. It consists of Director, 2 Secretaries, 1 Treasurer, and 4 Vice Directors (Vice Director of Internal Affairs, Vice Director of External Affairs, Vice Director of Academic Affairs, and Vice Director of Information Communication and Technology Affairs), which supervise 10 divisions consist of Internal Division, Human Resource Development Division, External Division, Public Relations Division, Alumni Relation Division, Academic Development Division, English Development Division, Legal Competition Division, Financial Division, Multimedia Division, and Creative Design Division.

Each division is managed by its manager ALSA LC UNAIR, and has its own signature programs. There are ALSA Courtlike Debate Championship (ACDC), ALSA Local Social Responsibility (ALSR), Organizing Leadership Managerial of ALSA, International Video Conference, and many others.


ALSA LC Unair as a forum for developing skill-set members dynamic, progressive and sustainable.


1. Optimizing and aligning work programs for member development based on the 4 pillars of ALSA.
2. Cooperate and contribute with third parties for organizational expansion.
3. Actively participating in social, academic, and non-academic activities.
4. Optimizing organizational systems and member regeneration.